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  • Writer's pictureJames Nelli

Fear of "The Void"

Updated: Feb 1

Around 2017 I started experiencing noticeable changes in my perception. I began feeling the intensity of other people in my body whenever there was conflict or misunderstanding. It was jarring for me to experience at first - The shock that I'd feel when I had a big realization about myself or the other person that I was completely unaware of beforehand. These realizations that I had were becoming more frequent. The aftermath of these realizations for me ended up being paradigm shifts - Things would have to change either with myself and my behavior, or my situation with other people. This brought about a lot of discomfort, but also a lot consistent and positive change.

I believe that "The Void" is what Humans perceive when we shake old programming to make room for consciousness. The vast emptiness we feel after releasing old beliefs and thought patterns leaves a significant open space to be filled with new ideas and better ways of understanding and navigating things. But the very first thing you will notice after releasing a concept or belief that you were deeply attached to is an empty space, and openness and not-knowingness that in and of itself can be freighting - And the purpose of this article is to more deeply understand the feelings of fear associated with "The Void" - The precursor to the material world.

After many years and many variations of this uncomfortable transformational experience that I would periodically have, where during a fast paced, dramatic, or intense experience I have a dramatic realization (a release of low-vibration negative energy). These releases of negative energy are necessary in order to allow your overall vibration at any one point in time to increase.

I still experience anxiety from not fixating on what my plans are for the future or lamenting on drama in the past - I think because I have been so used to repetitively having thoughts about things outside of the Here and Now, because it made me feel secure when I thought about these things. Even though the act of thinking about some past thing or fear of the future meant higher anxiety and intensity levels, which paradoxically got me into cycles of anxiety and insecurity in the situations of my life.

Fixating on the Present Moment means that you don't negotiate with the moment, and that you prioritize experiencing This Moment over anything else that is trying to take your attention. The more deeply rooted you are in the moment, the less attached you are to form, and thus the more perceptive you will be of non-material planes such as "The Void". You can see how an inherent fear of "The Void", then, could drive people to distract themselves from the Present Moment. And instead continue focusing on repetitive thoughts that are not necessarily optimal but feel more "safe".

You don't consciously allow yourself to fall into negative thought loops - because you are once again committing to this moment - Knowing that the deepest peace that you can experience at any moment

Is this very moment

And this moment alone

Never the past or future

Only in this moment

So when you rest in the moment you are in Eternity

You are on the edge of The Void (Vast open nothingness)

The end of the Void is the world of form - what you see in front of you

The world that you move through in this life

The edge of the void is:

What you see animated in front of you

The part of the void that you alone light and burn into its holographic existence

What you hear

The psychic emotions that other characters in your life experience project on to you (What you project on to them that they project back to you as a response)

You react energetically to the intentions that people project on to you

And so on and so forth

The void is vast nothingness

In all dimensions and at all times

Complete black and white in dark and light arrays

Moving through infinite oceans within oceans of vast nothingness

That is what you are afraid of

The vastness of this nothingness that you are starting to become more aware of when you encounter It. Whenever you fall deeper into the moment, you reach a part of "The Void" that you have never reached before. You feel old programs and energy being pulled away, and it is a strange and alien feeling.

So just allow yourself to feel those deeply repressed negative emotions, recognize that that discomfort is actually a sign that you are on the right path, and perceiving The Void validates that you are in fact bringing more of your consciousness into this life experience. and you'll be surprised at what you discover you've been holding on to for a very long time.

Because no matter how deep you fall into the Moment - Into The Void

It's true that you are the only source of it's existence

So you will always be able to see in this void

And never have a reason to feel insecure or afraid

About anything you see or feel

As you fall deeper into the foundation of Reality.

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