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  • Writer's pictureJames Nelli

Death = Transformation

You live in a world that idolizes and fixates on death. Death is permanent and people will give up a lot of things to exempt themselves, temporarily, from a fate that every person in this world shares. From a young age you realized that when a person "dies", you won't see, speak to, or otherwise encounter that person ever again. They are gone. Death is permanent and that is why death is so significant.

People like to feel like they are in control of what happens to them in this life. But the truth is that nobody has full control over what happens in their life. Every day people die, whilst moments before they were having an ordinary day just like anyone else. Worse yet, people who fixate on disease and death have a way of actually manifesting those things, simply because they put so much energy and focus into avoiding that very thing that they were so afraid would happen to them.

It's true that once you are born you are condemned to death, simply because you were given "life". And shouldn't this be liberating? Sure, the concept of death has frightened you since you were a small child, because of how real and permanent it is. But the deal that you made before coming here was that you are locked in a human body moving forward through Time, and that your journey ends when your body stops working.

Despite these fears, you might be surprised to realize that you have already died an innumerable number of times since you were born. Mini-deaths, as it were.

When a relationship that you were in ends, a part of you dies with the conclusion of that relationship. One reason that breakups are painful for some people is because they are forced to let go of the identity that they gained when they were in that relationship. But, paradoxically, they are still the same person, even though the "death" of their personality felt so real and was painful for them to endure.

So you gain an identity as a person when you are born, and eventually that identity, with the body that you were given, dies as well - it just so happens that some people look at physical death through a more dramatic and fearful lens than they look at more mundane and ordinary things.

So when it comes to physical death, people wish to find comfort in some concept that protects their sense of self. "Well if I believe 'this', then I will not die!"

I am not here to validate or invalidate someone else's beliefs about death, but there seems to be no way of knowing what happens after you die. Sure, there are mediums who claim to interact with the dead, and people have returned from near-death experiences absolutely sure that there is an After Life.

However, this doesn't solve the problem of someone spending precious time and energy trying to avoid or "outsmart" the inevitable.

Death = Transformation

No more. No less.

When someone physically dies, they can no longer directly interact with the people of the world that they have died in. Maybe they reincarnate... Maybe they go to some equivalent of Heaven... But there is no way to know for sure. You won't know for yourself until you get there.

Rather than putting the concept of physical death on a pedestal, and re arranging every aspect of your life to minimize the possibility of an untimely death - that you ultimately have no direct control over - You can choose to look at death like you look at anything else. The sun goes down and disappears every night, but when this happens people don't panic and anchor themselves in unpleasant and avoidant emotions.

Physical death is an integral part of life. And once you accept that certain things in this life experience are inevitable, you can wholeheartedly accept it, and then go back to simply enjoying this life experience. Where you are Right Now.

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